Saturday, February 20, 2010

Woodland Ferns

During the summer of 1997, I had the good fortune to attend a 3-day photography workshop given by Galen Rowell in Glacier National Park. The weather was terrible- overcast at best, rainy most of the time. Our rolls of film were driven down to Kalispell each night to be processed and returned for the next day's critique. I must have spent more than an hour in the rainy woods, staring at the ferns, composing, recomposing, waiting, when a bit of light broke through and I snapped this picture. Feedback from Galen on our photos was gentle but tough and I dreaded what he'd say when my shots came up for review. I was shocked when, except for suggesting some different framing, he actually seemed to like my ferns. It was then I thought, maybe I can do this photography thing.

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